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  1. Peggy started following Brandon
  2. John started following Brandon
  3. Brandon started following AWS
  4. Mike started following Brandon
  5. The home page is looking great Bob, keep up the excellent work :)
  6. http://www.shirt-fight.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/its-on-like-donkey-kong.jpg
  7. awesome! maybe I'll still be able to play with ipb afterall :)
  8. that's the story of my life :D
  9. looks great, nice work!
  10. I didn't know there was an option :D or maybe I didn't look I like how you have it setup now
  11. Congrats Bob! and glad you got both databases merged I do wish I could of held on to this but as Bob said, I have another forum that I'm working on and I just didn't have time for everything, plus I needed the money at the time. I wish you the best and will be checking in to see what you come up with, IPB has some great features, I'm sure you'll do great. :)
  12. nice domain name
  13. Brandon replied to Brandon's post in a topic in Water Cooler
    I replied maybe email would be quicker and easier brandon.sheley[at]gmal.com is mine if you are still interested ps.. I have the old ipbsetup database as well, from when John ran it.
  14. Brandon replied to Brandon's post in a topic in Water Cooler
    I might be looking to sell the scripts and domain. I may also just sell the scripts and point the domain to my new vb forum, and import all the data we have so far.
  15. Brandon posted a post in a topic in Water Cooler
    Hows everyone doing? I know I haven't been around much, my new vbulletin site has taken some of my online time :blink: and my support for ipb is about to expire, I'll renew it as soon as I get a spare 25$ in paypal Just wanted to see how everyone was doing? Are you all as sick of the cold and snow as I am :D
  16. It was just a pink screen with a general error, no path anything.. Just said there was an error, click here to retry or a big link in the footer to the index. I'll take a screen shot the next time I'll try it one more time with everything as clean as I can get and if that doesn't work, I'll pay IPB to install it for 60$. :mellow:
  17. I gave it another shot tonight and got to the same point with the member type, after I would put the path to the uploads and hit next I would see the pink DB error screen. and while the others above will have Converted for the status, the member type had " Converted with errors" I did some some nice tools to remove the conversion session so I didn't do a full restore this time. I'll have to research and see what that error could mean. :blink:
  18. Jump to the dark side B)
  19. well first attempts didn't go so well I got a "Converted with errors" when I got to the member block, and than spent an hour fighting my database trying to import it. I don't have SSH access, so I was using bigdump.php staggered database importer and some of the inserts were to long, like the spiders one. Does anyone have some info on cleaning up your databse for a backup/restore? I don't need to track all those spiders and website hits or anything, I have analytic to do that. :) I'll try again tomorrow