IPB Webmaster has a New Owner
Get a cartoonified avatar of you holding a glass of brandy and you're all set, Bob. :D Looking forward to seeing both sites develop.
Looking Good
Looking good with the new default skin, Bob. Question, if you don't mind sharing. Is this on a VPS or shared?
IPB Webmaster has a New Owner
Congrats, Bob! The merge ate my password, but that's okay. Took a few seconds to sort out a new one.
Gallery Display
I prefer the forum layout too. Looks better organized that way.
It's as if the gods want me to use IPB
I've been running tests on both vB and IPB installs over the past couple of months, while lining up a couple of personal projects (this, in wait for vB Gold-er :P :D ). Every step of the way, these hurdles have been springing up in front of the vB side of the equation. First there were the bug riddled releases. Then, yesterday I finally decided that I will run one project on vB and one on IPB. Tonight I finally got some time to go ahead and start mapping out the final approach. I erased the previous install of the vB - because it had been up/down-converted a dozen times and I didn't want any straggler glitches left over - and proceeded to do a fresh install. Bam! "Fatal error" right from step-1 of the install. I've spent all night checking and rechecking files and packages, uploading, erasing, re-uploading. The error simply won't go away. I'm stumped. The host is stumped. In all the years of installing vB, I've never come across this error, or this behaviour from an error; neither has the host. The error is strange, in that it happens at every single step of the install. If I go back and hit "Next" again, the error immediately pops up again. Here's the magic trick, though! If I wait a minute or two and *then* try to proceed to "Next", then it goes to the next step no problem. Then, when I try to go to the step after that, the cycle repeats. The most bizarre error I've ever come across. Anyhow, this post isn't to try and solve the error. No, I have a support ticket in with vB for that. This post is to wonder out loud - "Are the gods trying to tell me something?". LOL "Trust the Force, Luke!" :lol:
I've added a new Skin
Back to default skin today, I noticed. Is this one growing on you, Brandon? :D
Congrats on your AA success
Congrats on your latest AA promotion, Brandon. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/424/aavodkasm.jpg :D
How do you add comments to photos in the galleries?
Saw the buttons, finally, and just added a comment. If it's in the moderation queue, we have touchdown. :D Thanks for opening it up! edit: strange, commented on another pic (iSuck) and no moderation required.
How do you add comments to photos in the galleries?
Seems to be a permissions problem, Brandon (and Teresa): All along, I thought you disabled comments in gallery on purpose. Now I guess that's not the case, eh?
I've added a new Skin
Well, it did help me wake up this morning. :D The colours definitey suit IPBSetup. :) I noticed a couple of possible bugs right off, Brandon. The quick sign in doesn't seem to have a "remember me" check box, so I wonder if it is forced or ignored by default. Also, the Topic Description - "I've added a new skin I have some tweaking to do, but I think I like it" (part in bold) - could do with a different colour, as the current silver does not stand out against the blue gradient background. Should be an easy fix, eh? Good stuff, anyway. Happy Friday!
Staff Member Guidelines
That's some excellent stuff, Brandon... and FREE, best of all! :thumbsup:
Get some *pop*! Get bold.
I know, I know, you're all about the smilies. :P :lol: ;) Looking good, anyhow. I see you're like me, you'll try anything twice, eh? lol
List of Invision Community Styles, Skins & Templates
Can anyone point me to IPB-2 style skins for IPB-3, please? Almost all IPB-3 skins I've come across are variations of the same default theme. I like the default theme for the default, but for an alternative I really wouldn't mind the older style layout. You know, the forum centred, more robust gradients, the things which have made forums stick out from the page. The default skin just has a rather flat look to it. Nothing wrong with that, just not something I'm used to (and I venture a guess that many vB, phpBB, SMF, IPB-2 converts go through a bit of a similar shock period too with the flatness of this skin). Thanks in advance. edit: actually, extremepixels has some skins which look like what I'm after. Time to do some shopping soon. :)
Get some *pop*! Get bold.
Have to figure a way to get more hours into the day. Or tell life to take a break already. hehe Here's the fix for the bold-everywhere issue above. Take that same block of code above and replace the entire thing with the following: table.ipb_table h4 { font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; display: inline; } table.ipb_table .topic_title { font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: normal; display: inline; } This should now render the forum titles bold and the topic/thread titles back to normal. Fix confirmation came from Broni, as I wasn't sure what else was affected by table h4 attribute. I was going to do the "bold when unread" for the thread titles until I saw how they looked bold. Not the best for this layout.
Get some *pop*! Get bold.
Cached, Brandon. I had to do a hard refresh on here just now to get it to show. :) Looks nice. (there's actually forums in them thur hills :D ) edit: Oh wait. I just realised that the forumdisplay thread titles are the same css element. Booo! :( Now everything is bold, which means the threads won't change back to regular once read. Back to the drawing board.
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