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  1. I dont suppose anyone knows the best place to get custom Invision Community Pages work done? I dont want much, just a few alterations of the basic Invision Community Pages demo page so it works with the IPB Wrapper. All the best Dave
  2. Thanks Brandon. Hadn't thought about looking at an external type script. Was too busy focusing on an IPB type mod. Will give that one a shot. Thanks for your help Dave
  3. Hi Brent, It does the job, but is just very basic. No stats etc.
  4. My hosts had to perform a reset on the server last night, which meant everything was rolled back until the 29th December. Does anyone know of a mod that will automatically backup the database? I used to use PaulM's mod on vbulletin, was hoping someone knew of something similar in IPB.
  5. Dave posted a post in a topic in Water Cooler
    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help! Im looking at intergrating trialpay and superrewards on my site, but im stuck when it comes to the postback script. I was hoping there would be a generic one around on the net, but im having little luck! Heres the information superrewards gives - http://www.srpoints.com/docs/SuperRewards%20Developer%20Documentation.pdf and this is trial pay - http://merchant.trialpay.com/help/?page=dac Does anyone have any kind of knowledge when it comes to these scripts? Any tips on where I should start or any good guides that you know of. Any help really appreciated :)
  6. Dave replied to Dave's post in a topic in Invision Community Modifications
    Had issues with the conversion. BBCode hasnt come across, neither has custom fields and attachments are full of errors :(
  7. Further to kaambiz's reply - I did ask if a future version could contain the option for a member to remove their thanks and also an option for an admin to delete all thanks, like the vb version and was told she cant see the point in that option and would only be made available if I paid extra.
  8. Dave posted a post in a topic in Invision Community Modifications
    Will BBCode from vbulletin work if I add it to IPB, or are they software specific?
  9. The google one goes to a German page.
  10. Unfortunately, like quite a few of the good mods - Its a paid version http://www.invisionize.com/market/v-173/EN30-Ajax-Thanks-v102/ Thats the one thing I do miss about vbulletin.
  11. Im in a bit of a muddle so thought I would post about it! Had the thank you mod on vbulletin and the members loved it. Now weve moved over to IPB ive tried to encourage use of the reputation system but its not really working, they all want the thank you mod! Found the mod for IPB 3, however is it worth looking at linking it up to the current reputation system? On VB you had the option of increasing rep with every thanks, which increased the pips and stars, however on IPB you just have the number. Or would I be best just turning the rep system off and using the thanks system only. I think it was nice to see someones pips and stars increase. Its a visual reminder of how active/useful they were on the forum. Just looking at a number doesn't seem to have the same effect. Having both running at the same time will be pointless as no-one used to use rep on the vb forum, it only went up due to the thanks button. I think ive waffled enough now!
  12. Hi Shelly, Im liking your new site :)
  13. Dave replied to Dave's post in a topic in Introductions
    Thanks Mike. My username over at vbsetup is powerful_rogue. More of a lurker then a poster, although did get my IPB board licence off another member on there! My site is called Dover Locals - Its a town in the south east of England and has the busiest ferry terminal in the world.
  14. Dave replied to Dave's post in a topic in Introductions
    Thanks. Some interesting topics on here.
  15. Dave posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Hi! Ive used vbulletin for 4 years, 2 years on my own site, but after the VB4 drama I decided to make the move over to IPB. I spent a bit of time on the IPB forums and was amazed at how helpful everyone was! Also the IPB Support is superb. Quite a few times they have just gone into my board, fixed the problem and then explained what the fault was. Finally went semi live with my VB to IPB site a few days ago and the members seem to be liking it. Still got a lot of work to do behind the scenes such as Invision Community Pages, however that can be done in slow time. Also a member on your VB forum, so glad you decided to set up an IPB one and hopefully it will gain the same success! I think we both got IPB around the same time judging by your posts on the IPB forum, so its nice to learn things along with someone else at the same time. Anyway, Thats about the longest introduction ive ever done on a forum before! PS - Your facebook login doesnt seem to be working, comes back with the following error: Invalid argument The Facebook Connect cross-domain receiver URL (http://ipbwebmaster.com/interface/facebook/xd_receiver.php#fname=_opener&%7B%22t%22%3A3%2C%22h%22%3A%22fbCancelLogin%22%2C%22sid%22%3A%220.390%22%7D) must have the application's Connect URL (http://forum.ipbhelp.me/) as a prefix. You can configure the Connect URL in the Application Settings Editor.