IPB Webmaster Grand Re-Opening
Bob, just for the record - I purchased the IPB Webmaster.com domain on 4 February, 2010. On 5 February, I purchased the Invision licenses used on that site. In late July of that same year, I suffered a mild (if there can be such a thing) stroke and started scaling back my online presence. IPB Webmaster was still a fledgling community that needed a lot of effort to be nurtured into real life, so I passed along the database and all the IPB Webmaster and IPB Help domain names, free-of-charge, to our mutual friend, the owner of that 'upstart Admin community'. I did sell the Invision licenses used on that site, to the same individual, at a later date. I was unaware my own attempts to keep some semblence of Brandon's old IPB Help community, as well as my own IPB Webmaster community alive were upsetting to you, however I did feel since I was given the IPB Help database, it was my own to do with as I pleased. Perhaps you had intended to assign some restrictions to your gift, but I do not recall that being part of our discussions at that time. Yes, you gifted me the IPB Help domains and the IPB Help database. But IPB Webmaster was my own, turned over to myself by no one. I can produce a copy of the receipts to substantiate this, as I just checked them, after reading your 'history'.
New here coming from DP
Welcome to the IPB Setup forums! Kushmoney is an unusual username. ;) B) Is this a new forum, or are you converting an existing forum over to IPB?
Some file changes to help IPB SEO
For those using these file edits, you will need a slightly different edit for Invision Community Forum 3.1.1. The new file edit is in /admin/applications/forums/modules_public/forums/forums.php Look for this line - $this->registry->getClass('output')->setTitle( strip_tags($this->forum['name']) . ' - ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] ); And change it to - $this->registry->getClass('output')->setTitle( strip_tags($this->forum['name'])); Again, this is for Invision Community Forum 3.1.1 only. The edits in the original post will work for all previous versions.
logged out on topic reply
Have you managed to resolve this problem? I've been kicking around the idea of using LiteSpeed and I am wondering if it was the source of the issue.
Hello Everyone
Hi Jacob and welcome to IPB Setup!
My journey converting to IPB from vB + vBSEO
Patience. My bounce rate went crazy for a couple weeks. Now, after four months, it is several points lower than it was with vB. One site is still hovering up around 30%, but the other three (established) sites have all dropped down into the low 20% range. I think what you're seeing is pretty normal for a newly-converted site, so don't make any rash judgments until you see things starting to stabilize.
SEO Questions
Ahhh, OK. I made the following edit, to get the logo URL, the tab menu URL and the breadcrumb URL all uniform - <a href='{parse url="act=idx" seotitle="false" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['go_home']}' rel="home" accesskey='1'><img src='{parse replacement="logo_img"}' alt='{$this->lang->words['logo']}' /></a> That results in all three links ending up as /index
SEO Questions
What kind of edit did you make to defaultHeader?
vBSEO features that are missed
When I first converted, I was really pushing for Crawlability to consider doing an SEO script for IPB. After four months IPB use, I'm no longer interested. I think there was a time and a place for vBSEO. I think search engines have evolved to a point where it is no longer necessary. Someone asked on another forum if anyone felt vBSEO was worth the price. My suggestion was to add another 99¢ and purchase IPB, instead.
New guy to IPB
Welcome to IPB Setup and to IPB. As AWS said, you won't regret the switch.
Recent Gallery Pictures Hook
Brent, you need to edit this file - /hooks/boardIndexGalleryImages_really long string of numbers.php Find this bit - $img_list->getListingData( array( 'st' => 0, 'show' => 6, 'approve' => 1, 'sort_key' => 'i.idate', 'album' => 0, 'category' => 0, 'allow_cats' => $allow_cats, 'allow_albums' => $allow_albums, ) ); Edit 'show' => 6, to display the number of images you want. I hope this helps!
Account Merge Requests
Bob, I am listed under both Mike and Mike_. I see the Mike_ account got whacked in the conversion, that was actually Mike54. And the e-mail address attached to Mike_ is whacked, as well. You'll see common Web addresses, common birthdates, etc.
IPB Webmaster has a New Owner
Congratulations, Bob!
Two Invision Community Blog file edits to help SEO
As I keep looking around within IPB, I keep finding more ways to help improve SEO. In THIS THREAD I outlined a way to edit two Invision Community Forum files to remove the forum name from the page title. Now let's move on and edit two files to accomplish the same with Invision Community Blog. If you make these two simple edits, it will prevent the forum name from being included on your blog page and on your blog entry pages. This will give more weight to your blog name and to your blog entries. The first file to edit is /admin/applications_addon/ips/blog/modules_public/display/entry.php The line you are looking for is in the block identified as - //----------------------------------------- // Page title and navigation //----------------------------------------- Find the following line - Change it to - That will remove the forum name from the title of each blog entry page. Next, you want to edit /admin/applications_addon/ips/blog/modules_public/display/blog.php In the block identified as //----------------------------------------- // Navigation bar + page title //----------------------------------------- Find the following line - Change it to - That will remove the forum name from the title of each blog page. I hope you will be able to use these two edits to help optimize your sites!
I've added a new Skin
I like the style, myself. Brent is right, it is pretty flashy. But that can work to your advantage in the right niche. I like the lighter blues over the standard IPB style and that green in the standard IPB menu is not exactly my cup of tea. I need to see what it takes to change that 'postbit' area color. I use different colors for different usergroups and the red really can't be read at all.
In Memory
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