Your a star, thanks so much. Couldn't find it myself for some reason!
IP. Gallery
Yeah, and it's just much easier to use which people do like. Hope my site takes off again.
Community SEO or Minerva SEO
Off topic, but love the look of your computer forums.
I've added the IP.Blog
I think they are using the RC or Beta version of the Blog which you can also download from your client area. I'm using those versions on my site for the Gallery and Blogs.
I've added the IP.Blog
You do that with your own blog, add blocks. Just done that with mine on IPBSetup.
I've added the IP.Blog
Yeah it's not very friendly and doesn't look too good in the Clean Cut style I have on my site, fine in the default style though.
Are there any good bookmark modifications out there? I need one for Twitter and Facebook at least.
IPB Thank you mod
This should be a default option IMO, let's get IPB to implement it!
I've added the IP.Blog
Go to your profile settings, create the blog first from there and away you go ;)
IP. Gallery
Yeah sure, http://www.burnleyweb.com/gallery/ Not sure about downloads yet, want to see how the gallery and blogs do first.
IP. Gallery
I was using vB Photopost Gallery then moved to Photopost Gallery all working with vB4. But it just wasn't working right, dodgy layouts and various errors now and again. Nothing seemed to work as it should really. Then I moved my site to IPB again and gave it another shot. Using their gallery, wow, it's fantastic and looks so damn professional and no problems with it what so ever! I'd buy it if you want a gallery for your IPB website.
Community SEO or Minerva SEO
I've just moved my largest site (Still small compared to others) back to IPB and Google has is showing the new url's already i'm pleased to say using the default FURL's and the free sitemap generator from the IPB website. Also glad to see I have MORE guests and people visiting again after dropping from vB4.
Do you think it will happen? I hope it does. We should get a free licence for suggesting it, lol http://www.vbseo.com/f55/would-you-ever-work-ipb-forum-software-38640/#post247911
IPB Is Pretty Slick
I do like the software, the looks, layout and functions. Like how the gallery works perfectly. My members didn't on the forum that I changed from vB to IPB. Being unable to log in was one issue. Decided to switch back to vB4 with a Suite licence and I do like it. Started a new forum with the IPB software. Liking the beta gallery and blogs, much better: http://www.sightingsuk.com/gallery/
Community SEO or Minerva SEO
After some recent information, I wouldn't use any IPB SEO software at the moment, the sitemap I purchased, well I got moaned at for wanting to change the url it was licenced too, even wanted me to buy a new licence! Sticking to free sitemaps from the IPB site for now and the default SEO url structure.
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