Tweet Board
ugh I dislike tweetboard.
New Default Style
Looking very good!
IPB Webmaster has a New Owner
Now that would be cute! Bob I just think that one big site would be great for us all. But networking is definitely a good idea, one I'm sure that Mike and John will go for. :D
IPB Webmaster has a New Owner
Congrats on the acquisition Bob. It's a shame that we couldn't have joined together and had one large IPB help site rather than 2 separate sites (IPB Setup and IPB Webmaster), but I'm sure each will do well.
Welcome To IPB Webmaster Help: Mike
HA! Don't let John fool ya. He's just biding his time...
Hey Everyone
Heyyy David! I just looked at your blog. I'm impressed. I've never seen a WP setup like that before. I also didn't know you live so close to me - I'm in Austintown.
Welcome To IPB Webmaster Help: Mike
Hey hey David!
The Only Thing I Miss...
WHEW! Found it, thanks John. ;)
Welcome To IPB Webmaster Help: Mike
lol - possibly...
Welcome To IPB Setup Help: Shelley
Hiii Shelley!
The Only Thing I Miss...
is a New Posts link. The New Posts link on vB and I are intimate friends! :(
New site ownership
oh darn I like this skin too. I hope you have one close to it. :)
Welcome To IPB Setup Help: KW802
Kevin, hiya!
Welcome To IPB Setup Help: Peggy
Hiya cutie!
Welcome To IPB Webmaster Help: Mike
Possibly.... unless something better comes along. truthfully, I can't afford to purchase a new license. Perhaps I'll catch one on sale somewhere.
In Memory
Last visited