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  1. What I saw was for version 1.X or 2.x :( I've contacted one IPB developer to make it but he was too busy, if anybody knows of a quality IPB developer let me know. I'd like to get a quote on the custom job.
  2. I like it a lot. So many of the IPB sites look too similar.
  3. I have a couple of more questions about IPB as I'm contemplating making my change... Who uses IPB Converge to bridge with WordPress? How Easy is it? Does it "converge" user names, profiles avatars and everything or is it just a log-in system. I'm really curious if anybody had used WP for their CMS and then used the WP header in their IPB forum too. Also I was wondering about skins. I'm not finding as many as I do with VB and many are just updated CSS files but not new or unique designs.
  4. Okay, I'm still w/ VB, but am seriously looking at IPB. There are 2 mods I would need to find which would help me make a decision to jump ship. Post of the Month Mod - I downloaded the post of the month mod from vb.org and it has become pretty popular among my members. I wouldn't want to take that away. Reviews System - My reviews section has become really popular and definitely distinguishes me from my competitors. I'm currently using GARS, but am not 100% satisfied with it. I think this is something I could do in WordPress if needed, but think I'd prefer to have it in the forum. I saw one for IPB 2.X in the community resources section of IPB, but obviously would want to make sure it was up to date. Anybody know where there might be good solutions.