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  1. It's true. Brandon you just have to change this on your globalTemplate <a rel="nofollow" style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://www.google.com/" onclick="window.open('http://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=add&hl=de&bkmk='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&annotation=&labels=&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title));return false;" title="Bookmark to: Google"> <img style="padding-bottom:1px;" src="public/style_extra/social/google_trans.gif" alt="Bookmark to: Google" name="Google" border="0" id="Google"> </a> to this if you want to open Google in english <a rel="nofollow" style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://www.google.com/" onclick="window.open('http://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=add&hl=us&bkmk='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&annotation=&labels=&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title));return false;" title="Bookmark to: Google"> <img style="padding-bottom:1px;" src="public/style_extra/social/google_trans.gif" alt="Bookmark to: Google" name="Google" border="0" id="Google"> </a>
  2. Unfortunately, like quite a few of the good mods - Its a paid version http://www.invisionize.com/market/v-173/EN30-Ajax-Thanks-v102/ Thats the one thing I do miss about vbulletin.
  3. By default, IPB will store all cached data in the database. But if you would like to take advantage of a PHP accelerator or content cache, there is support for APC, eAccelerator, Memcache, XCache or for storing data in files. Admins of larger sites will likely want to take advantage of using an external cache source, but even smaller forums will certainly benefit. Your first step will be be sure you have one of the PHP cache systems installed on your server. If you make the selection to use a cache sytem and the extension is not available, IPB will simply revert to the default cache store method. Once you are sure you have the cache system installed, you will need to add a line to your conf_global.php file, to enable the system. For APC: $INFO['use_apc'] = '1'; For eAccelerator: $INFO['use_eaccelerator'] = '1'; For Memcache: $INFO['use_memcache'] = '1'; For XCache: $INFO['use_xcache'] = '1'; For disk storage: $INFO['use_diskcache'] = '1'; Once you have saved the edited conf_global.php file to your server, IPB will begin using the chosen cache method. If you have more than one IPB forum installed on your server, you may need to use an identifier with the cache method you have selected. You will need to edit the ips_kernal/classCache/*.php (the file you edit will depend on the cache storage you are using) file. Find this line - private $identifier = ''; Add whatever value you prefer, such as: private $identifier = 'forum1'; If you're unsure about having a PHP cache system on your server, there are a couple of methods to sort it. If you're running IPB 3.0 (not sure about earlier versions, sorry), you can simply log into your Admin CP, select the Settings tab, look under System Overview and click on (PHP INFO) at PHP Version. Or you can write a very short PHP file to display the information. Using a simple text editor, copy the following to the editor - <?php phpinfo (); ?> Save the file as phpinfo.php and then FTP it to the root of your server. Point your browser to yourdomain.com/phpinfo.php and the information will be displayed for you. /monthly_11_2009/post-113-13382266804675_thumb.png As you can see in the above example, eAccelerator is installed. I hope the above tips will help you find a performance improvement on your site.
  4. Course I don't mind. My designs are for all bulletin board software. :) *prods brandon to create a graphic area*
  5. There's a great hook if you just want adsense adds. http://invisionmodding.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=1396
  6. TABLE OF CONTENT: SECTION 1 - Changing colors 1. Board background 2. Maintitle bars 3. Table column headers 4. Rows 5. Footer 6. Posts7. Fast reply 8. Full Editor 9. Admin bar 10. Primary navigation bar 11. Branding background 12. User navigation bar 13. Moderation bars 14. Quick Stats bars 15. Primary navigation bar active tab 16. Search button 17. Topic buttons 18. Post button 19. Use Full Editor button 20. New content bar 21. User navigation bar drop-down menu 22. My Profile 23. My Settings 24. Messenger 25. Manage Friends 26. Miscellaneous A. Info mark B. Message box border C. Page numbers D. Topic prefix E. My Profile "Update" button F. "Find Posts" message border SECTION 2 - text and fonts 1. General info 2. Admin bar and Primary nav bar3. Secondary navigation bar 4. Maintitle 5. Main page columns titles 6. Forums 7. Footer SECTION 3 - other edits1. Rounded corners 2. Margin 3. Padding ....................................................................... Both pages attached in PDF format (zipped)================================================================================================================================ NOTE It is very advisable to include a comment, while you're making any changes. If something goes wrong, you'll know exactly what you changed. You can include any comment in your skin script, if you wrap it in this: /* comment */ Anything between /* */ is not executable. Example: /* ELEMENT STYLES */ body { background: #C0C0C0; /* changed from #fff */<-----this is not executable comment================================================================================================================================ Attached File(s) [/code] Invision Power Board 3 (IPB 3) skinning and editing - page 2.zip (1.28MB) Invision Power Board 3 (IPB 3) skinning and editing - page 1.zip (1.88MB) Here is the source of this Great IPB Tutorial.
  7. For those of you out there using the Unreal Portal add in, you probably want to remove "Unreal Portal" from the page title. To do this, edit /admin/applications_addon/other/uportal/modules_public/uportal/uportal.php Find the line: $this->registry->output->setTitle( "{$this->settings['board_name']} - {$this->lang->words['page_title']}" ); and change it to: $this->registry->output->setTitle( "{$this->settings['board_name']}" );